Tescos Sale of Fresh and Easy Stores in the USA Research based case study assignment:
Write a report on Tesco’s sale of its Fresh & Easy stores in the USA.

Your report needs to include an executive summary of your findings, an introduction to
your report (including the rationale for writing about your chosen angle; what are you going to cover, and in what order), an analysis of the relevant
factors leading to the failure of the enterprise (e.g. entry strategy; risk assessment; market analysis, HRM, etc.), a discussion of the exit strategy, a
conclusion and recommendations.
Some relevant information is provided in appendix 2 but you will need to use the electronic library resources (e.g. databases of academic journals and
practitioner publications; Passport; Nexis)
Tescos Sale of Fresh and Easy Stores in the USA Assessment criteria
You will be marked on the following criteria:
– Content: demonstrates depth of knowledge and research; detailed analysis; use of academic and practitioner sources to support discussion; application of evidence to draw relevant conclusions; sound recommendations.
– Structure: Clear structure with good signposting throughout; contains an executive summary, a good introduction, main part and conclusion; clear and
persuasive argument, logical structure.
– Presentation: clear layout; readable font and appropriate use of paragraphs and headings; professional finish.
– Word count not exceeded.