The concept of Identity by Erikson Marcias Models

The concept of Identity by Erikson Marcias Models Think about your own adolescence, the period from about 12-18 or 20, and the journey towards forming your own identity.

The concept of Identity by Erikson Marcias Models
The concept of Identity by Erikson Marcias Models

Choose 1 of the elements of identity: Vocation/Career (what you hope/plan/chose to do) to be a nurse, help others. Describe what your personal experience of it was like. Try to tell the story about your adolescence, using specific examples and interesting anecdotes to describe your struggle with that aspect of your identity. Such as your process of choosing a career. Apply Erikson’s and especially Marcia’s models. Be sure to define the concepts you are using and be clear in how you are applying them to your experience. You are testing their concepts to see if they help make sense of an element of your identity in adolescence.

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