The Critical Sociology of Race and Sport
The Critical Sociology of Race and Sport
The First Fifty Years
What problem(s) or question(s) does this research seek to address? (1-2 sentences)
What, according to the research article, is significant about the problem(s) or question(s)? (1-2 sentences)
What has previous research said about the problem(s) or question(s) (2-3 sentences)
What is the theoretical contribution? In other words, what explanatory framework does the author provide for the problem(s) or question(s)? (2-3 sentences)
If the article is based on empirical research, what methods were used, e.g. survey, interview, historical analysis, observation? (1-2 sentences)
If the article is based on empirical research, what were the main findings? (2-3 sentences)
To what degree do the findings support the theoretical framework of the author? (2-3 sentences)
Based on the evidence and argument, do you agree with the author’s conclusions? Why or why not? (2-3 sentences)
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