The Critical Sociology of Race and Sport

The Critical Sociology of Race and Sport
The Critical Sociology of Race and Sport

The Critical Sociology of Race and Sport

The Critical Sociology of Race and Sport

The First Fifty Years

What problem(s) or question(s) does this research seek to address? (1-2 sentences)
What, according to the research article, is significant about the problem(s) or question(s)? (1-2 sentences)
What has previous research said about the problem(s) or question(s) (2-3 sentences)
What is the theoretical contribution? In other words, what explanatory framework does the author provide for the problem(s) or question(s)? (2-3 sentences)
If the article is based on empirical research, what methods were used, e.g. survey, interview, historical analysis, observation? (1-2 sentences)
If the article is based on empirical research, what were the main findings? (2-3 sentences)
To what degree do the findings support the theoretical framework of the author? (2-3 sentences)
Based on the evidence and argument, do you agree with the author’s conclusions? Why or why not? (2-3 sentences)

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