The Declaration of Independence in American History The topic will be a noteworthy event from the period covered in this class and describe the historical facts/events/persons involved, as well as the historical significance of the chosen subject in American History.

(In other words, why do we care about this event?)
Formal essays are to be typed and double-spaced. Each essay may include references from the class textbook as well as any lectures/note materials used in class, but should utilize other research sources as well, regardless of medium, at the discretion of the student… use real research sources, please.
Each essay should be 3-5 pages typed, double-spaced, with 12 pt font. You will be evaluated on research, writing (syntax, grammar, organization, etc). Also, you must cite all information borrowed from any of the above listed sources. If you do not cite your sources, you are plagiarizing and, therefore, will receive no credit for the assignment. Students are not required to use research sources beyond those assigned for this class.