The Effect of Stress Level and Age on Life Satisfaction

The Effect of Stress Level and Age on Life Satisfaction

The effect of stress level and age on life satisfaction independent variables (IVS) are stress level and age (YOUNG, OLD) and Dependent variable (DV) is life satisfaction.
Perceived stress level scale (pss) and Satisfaction with life scale (swls)—2 questionnaires used for measurement. Use an appropriate scale construction by analyzing for the reverse the scale
Perform median split
Look for Outliers and Normality Homogeneity tests

The Effect of Stress Level and Age on Life Satisfaction
Outliers and Normality Homogeneity tests

Analyze a 2 way Anova SPSS output for the following data.
Look at the output for Levene’s test. Is the assumption of homogeneity met?

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