The Great Cat Massacre of the Rue Saint-Severin
Based on your reading of Robert Darnton’s classic article “Workers Revolt: The Great Cat Massacre of the Rue Saint-Severin,” write a well-organized essay in which you respond to the following questions.
• Choose three of the key themes (basic points, arguments) that Darnton makes and analyze them in detail. Base your analysis on the material we have read and discussed in class this semester.
• How does Darnton use archival and printed primary sources to understand the cultural meaning of the episode he is writing about. BE SPECIFIC!
• Why was killing cats funny? Does Darnton’s analysis help you understand this? If so, why? If not, what doesn’t convince you?
Your response must be at least 1200 words long and supported by direct quotations from at least THREE of the other readings you have done for this course. You may include the introduction (by Listerman) to Sachs’s plays and Brueghel’s painting of Carnival and Lent among these sources.
Your exam must be typed, double-spaced, and STAPLED. All your citations must conform to the Chicago Manual of Style (footnotes or endnotes)
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