The Marketing Mix Strategies Assignment

The Marketing Mix Strategies
The Marketing Mix Strategies

The Marketing Mix Strategies

Marketing Plan Assignment 3
In assignment 3 you will continue the marketing mix strategy section of your marketing plan. In this section you will discuss, IN DETAIL, the Price and Place P’s of your company. Included in this section should be:
IV. The Marketing Mix Strategies

Price Objectives
Provide BOTH short-term and long-term price/profit/revenue objectives for your business. (This section should be completed in bullet point format).

Price Strategy
What will your various price points be? If you can’t list all your prices, at least provide an example of the basic price points. Why are prices set at this level? (This section should be completed in paragraph format with complete sentences).

Specific Pricing Tactics
How will you communicate your prices to customers? Consider the different price strategies discussed in class. (This section should be completed in paragraph format with complete sentences).

Place Objectives
Provide BOTH short-term and long-term place/distribution objectives for your business. (This section should be completed in bullet point format).
Place (Channel/Distribution) Basics
Where is the business? Even if you do not have a physical location, how will you get the product/service to your customer? (This section should be completed in paragraph format with complete sentences).

Additional Place Considerations
How will it be organized? How will you meet with prospective customers? What are your labor needs in making and selling the product/service to the customer? (This section should be completed in paragraph format with complete sentences).

Place Budget Section
What cost elements related to the Place P need to be factored into your budget sheet? If you have a retail or manufacturing facility, what are the costs like rent and utility? What are the labor costs that will be needed to sell your offering. Be specific here. (This section should be done in a spreadsheet format showing the numbers followed by written descriptions of each point in sentence and paragraph form).
Be sure specific elements of these P’s for example if you are running a restaurant as your company you may find it useful to include a map that show a specific location in a city, or a drawing of the layout of the restaurant, or a drawing of the basic restaurant décor, or a menu to show the food prices, be sure to include them.
To be specific about each area. If there are additional things to help better demonstrate.

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