The Natural History Museum Los Angeles

The Natural History Museum Los Angeles A 4-6 page typed paper. Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman size 12. Your assignment consists of a paper on an analysis of a museum exhibit. In his book a different mirror:

The Natural History Museum Los Angeles
The Natural History Museum Los Angeles

a history of multicultural America, Professor Ronald Takaki challenges the Master Narrative of American History, the “powerful and popular but inaccurate story” declaring that “our country was settled by European immigrants, and Americans are white.” In his work, Professor Takaki highlighted the hopes and struggles of immigrant men and women working and living in America, dispelling the many negative stereotypes marginalized as the “Other.” Objective: The goal of this assignment is to identify how the official history is represented in repositories of human civilization, spaces that are also known as museums. Pay attention to the spatial management of the exhibit, the order in which the artifacts are displayed, and how they present the participation of certain groups of individuals in the official history. Your paper should be typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman size 12. For this assignment, please read the following pieces. These articles will provide you with the necessary context to execute this assignment. Both articles are posted on the course website. Golding, Viv. Learning at the museum frontiers: identity, race, and power, Introduction Preview the document. Trofanenko, Brenda. “Displayed objects, Indigenous identities, and public pedagogy. Preview the document” Anthropology a

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