The New Jim Crow Research Paper Available

The New Jim Crow
The New Jim Crow

The New Jim Crow

The New Jim Crow

Your response PER QUESTION should be no fewer than 500 words, and no more than 700 words (approximately 1 page single spaced). Please adhere to this rule, I will check.
You should answer the question fully and completely while making your answers as concise as possible. Those responses most complete will receive the higher grade. Please use citations and examples from the readings to support your responses.
Your paper should be formatted APA, 12 point font, (single spaced) Times New Roman with parenthetical citations. words cited.

You do not need to rewrite the questions again in the paper- only answer as concise as possible and Please use citations and examples from the readings to support your responses.

Answer these question

1. Our study of CJ policy this semester has focused on whether the policy produces the desired effect intended by the policy, or produces unintended consequences that work against the intended goals of the policy. Based on the readings and discussions in class, explain how theory and research work to influence policy? Provide current examples.

2. Michelle Alexander’s book The New Jim Crow focuses on the history of African Americans in the United States and develops this history into her thesis that contemporary criminal justice policy has resulted in a new “Jim Crow”. Please discuss how you believe the history of African Americans Michelle Alexander relates has contributed to the current phenomena of the The New Jim Crow.

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