The Novel Night by Elie Wiesel on Human Being In the essay, create your own conversation between the novel Night by Elie Wiesel and the article (will be uploaded). The novel and the article are the only sources needed.
You may want to answer the following questions:
What does a human being mean to Elie Wiesel in Night? How does he handle the depth of human existence or human suffering? You can directly quote one or two places where the author concerns the matter of religious conviction or belief and articulate them in your own language.
How does/does not the context of the author have an impact on the idea of faith?
What are the connections of Night by Elie Wiesel and The Cross and the Lynching Tree?
Does the article help you understand Night better? Or do you find them contradictory to each other?
How do/do not the texts transform your understandings of the topics such as faith, God, human existence, and human suffering?
A successful paper will have a clear thesis, pay close attention to the texts, and critically engage with the texts. Essay is not about your feelings but a creative and yet concrete argument that articulates your response(s) to the texts.