The Significance of Rogerian Rhetoric Journal Entry Write a 1- to 2-page journal entry (250ñ500 words) in which you respond to the following:

Summarize what Cullen meant by fostering creativity and innovative thinking through learner-centered curriculum techniques, and explain how it applies to your own experience. Explain the significance of Rogerian rhetoric and its significance to the learner-centered curriculum. Twenty years after its publication, John O’Malley’s The First Jesuits (1993) can be located within a broader “postmodern” intellectual context that followed in the wake of 1989 and the consequent end of the Cold War. This context included both Stephen Toulmin’s Cosmopolis (1990), a revisionist account of the origins of “modernity,” and Homi K. Bhabha’s The Location of Culture (1994), a foundational work in the post-colonial theorization of cultural hybridity.
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