Thomas Nagels Philosophy What Is like to Be Bat Write a review of Thomas Nagel’s “What is like to be bat” by indicating the most important ideas (cite from the text) and conclude by expressing your opinion about his argument.
What Is It Like to Be a Bat?” is the name of a philosophy paper written by Thomas Nagel in 1974. The paper isn’t really about the sensory world of bats; it’s a critique of reductionist theories of the mind. Nagel argues that consciousness has a subjective aspect, and that understanding other mental states is difficult or impossible for those not able to experience those mental states.
Nagel chose bats for a reason. They are mammals, and relatively closely related to humans. We have a great deal in common with bats: we are warm-blooded, care for our young, and have similar basic anatomy. But “anyone who has spent some time in an enclosed space with an excited bat knows what it is to encounter a fundamentally alien form of life,” Nagel writes. He goes on to say that bats experience a range of activity and possess a sensory apparatus so different than ours that imagining what their experiences are like is an exceptionally challenging rhetorical question.
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