Total Quality Management of Products Order Instructions: To prepare for this essay please read the required articles that is attached
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Read the case study in the attached files then answer the following questions:
- Comment on how process performance at D2D was reviewed and improved?
2. Could this approach be applied to process management in your company or another you know well?
3. Explain with examples.
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2) Do include all your references, as per the Harvard Referencing System,
3) Please don’t use Wikipedia web site.
4) I need examples from peer reviewed articles or researches.
5) copy percentage must be 10% or less.
Note: To prepare for this essay please read the required articles that is attached
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Total Quality Management of Products Sample Answer
Quality of products that a company produces in terms of quantity, price, and delivery time is very important to the customer. A determined organization in maintaining its competitive position in terms of quality products should ensure that it integrates all levels of management in it organization in quality management to achieve total quality management at all levels. Most companies nowadays are using total quality management to gain a competitive advantage over competitors, this is because, and they have realized that quality can only be achieved if all operations of the organization were involved. An organization is expected to improve quality and performance in all its aspects to to exceed customer expectations.
To achieve total quality management the organization is expected to have a culture which ensures continuous improvement in the quality of products and services to its customers. In total quality management, customers define what quality is, the top management has the total responsibility to improve quality of the organizations products, increased quality comes from a continuous analysis and improvement of the work processes and quality improvement is a continuous activity which is carried out throughout the organization. Total quality management enables an organization to enjoy good profits from its sales, recognitions from other organizations, and increased customer loyalty and market share (Murray, 2015, para 2).
In D2D process performance was reviewed and improved in the following ways. D2D trained all its employees on quality whereby it defined the process as the mechanism in which materials provided by suppliers are changed into outputs provided to customers. Each process had a performance measure and a target to meet, this was to ensure that the D2D could evaluate how its processes were fairing and making the necessary changes. Manager and teams were formed so as to review how D2D process were fairing on daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual cycles.
The company knew that customers are important to its success. Therefore, it provided them with score cards, and other surveys to get their views on their products and suggestions about what the company should do to create their loyalty and gain more customers. This is because the company knew if they do not deliver products that meet customer requirements in terms of cost, quality or service they would lose them to competitors. To identify the need to review process management methods and reevaluate top level a self-assessment was carried out against the business. The most critical processes were identified by senior management and was supported by the reviews carried out in the particular cycles. The company had targets, benchmarks, measurements and process performance for all processes.
To improve on their process performance the company, it ensured that each person assigned to a particular process was qualified and was aware of his her responsibilities in the process. Also, all processes were developed and performance measures of the process agreed between customers and suppliers. To assess how the process was performing the company used, business and customer satisfaction performance measures to set requirements for each process. By reviewing these measures process owners were able to identify new bench marks, new targets and this made available information about new competition and benchmarks in the market. Measures for particular manufacturing processes included; chemical concentration in solutions, test yields and failures from thermal screening and configuration. To measure the supply process the company considered factors such as delivery time, right deliveries according to customer specification, informing customers before delivery was made, and the introduction of new products in the cycle. Benchmarks were also carried out for non-manufacturing processes, such as human resource management, finance, and document distribution.
In 1981, the company registered allied quality assurance procedure and ISO 9002 in 1988. In every six months, the British standards institution audited the companies system. This auditing enabled the company to be able to measure its effectiveness of their own process and also enable them to measure the performance of their own auditing system. To review process performance and targets improvement, people made improvements to processes and any errors reported by customers were managed for analysis and improvement.
Quality team leaders and their members were trained about Pareto diagrams, force field analysis, paired comparisons and Ishikawa root cause analysis. This was to enable tea leaders and their members to be able to know how to measure quality and be able to assess how their processes were fairing. Corrective teams were also trained on the methods to use so as to make the total quality management initiative a success. Customers were also informed on what to expect from the company through biannual customer survey, scorecards, and visits to the factory, delivery phone calls, and customer reply cards among many others.
The company set out performance targets which were based on customer requirements, appropriate world class standards, machine and equipment capability, and previous performance. This enabled the company to be able to have a direction by being able to evaluate their performance. The company was also able to get accurate information about their performance, what improvements to make in their processes to achieve their goals. To deal with challenging targets the company compared with competitors in major business streams to obtain details on the achieved performance and the expected requirement of customers. D2D recognized the fact that teamwork is very important in achieving every success that the company needed in its total quality management issue therefore it employed teamwork in its operations. Companies such as dell used total quality management in its process so as to improve on its customer satisfaction. Tesco supermarket in the UK has used total quality management in its operations and it has been able to improve on its services and customer satisfaction too. It has also enabled the company to achieve excellence in all its business operations through total quality management (Bowersox, & Cooper, 2010, p. 30)
D2D’s approach could be applied to my company this is because the process shows how a company can use the available resources in the organization to gain competitive advantage. D2D approach promotes team work, team work is important to the success of any organization because if a company’s workforce is divided probability of delivering what is expected is very low (Cummings, & Worley, 2009, p. 263). In addition, it shows how groups in an organization can help in achieving an organizations goal. Groups make work easier because of the availability of different ideas and work is done on time. If applied in my organization this approach will also make us improve on our customer relationship with one another because it promotes a lot of interactions between the organization and its customers.
In addition, this approach will enable my organization to gain a competitive advantage over competitors and be able to maintain for a long time (American Society for Quality, 2015, para2). In addition, it will also enable us to be able to identify those processes which are not performing well and improve on them. Finally, this approach will make our organization’s reputation be the best all over the world hence gaining more and more customers. It is therefore very important for every organization to apply total quality management in its organizations process to be able to gain a competitive advantage over competitors. In addition, when producing a product it is very important for an organization to ensure that they meet customer needs in terms of price, quality, and delivery (Coyle, & Coyle, 2009, p. 53).
Total Quality Management of Products Reference
American Society for Quality. (2015).Total Quality Management Benefits. Retrieved April 23/2015,
Bowersox, C. & Cooper, 2010. Supply Chain Logistics Management. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Coyle, J. J., & Coyle, J. J. 2009. Supply chain management: a logistics perspective. Mason, OH, South-Western Cengage Learning.53
Cummings, T. G., & Worley, C. G. 2009. Organization development & change. Australia, South-Western/Cengage Learning.263
Murray. M. 2015. Total Quality Management (TQM). Retrieved April 23/2015, from: