Trauma Response and Post Traumatic Stress in children

Trauma Response and Post Traumatic Stress in children You will submit a 3-5 page paper in APA style with a title page and reference list, including a minimum of one book or peer-reviewed journal article reference,

Trauma Response and Post Traumatic Stress in Children
Trauma Response and Post Traumatic Stress in Children

In the paper, you will respond to the following questions/prompts: 1. What symptoms, behaviors, or presenting problems may indicate trauma in children? How do the trauma response and post-traumatic stress symptoms differ in children when compared to adults? [25 points] 2. What intervention, theory, or model do you believe will be most helpful to you when intervening with children, who have experienced trauma? [You must include at least one APA style reference to a peer-reviewed journal article to support the efficacy of this model intervention or theory for trauma-informed counseling. USE —-Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) 3. What life circumstances, contributing factors, presenting problems, symptoms or behaviors do you think will present the greatest challenge to you when working with children who have experienced trauma? What is your plan to address possible vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, and to prevent burnout?

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