Understanding the Evolution of the Digital Age

Understanding the Evolution of the Digital Age
Understanding the Evolution of the Digital Age

Understanding the Evolution of the Digital Age

Understanding the Evolution of the Digital Age

You are to identify a section (a heading) of chapter 2 (a section that stands out to you), and develop a 7-10 power point slide presentation, (MS Power Point). See the following directions to better assist you:

1) As your read Chapter 2, identify a heading/sub-topic that may be of particular interest (example if there is a section on “Emergent Technology and the Demand” you can summarize this (again, this is just an example)).

2) Highlight or make bullet points of some interesting facts stated in your section for review (do not post entire paragraphs).

3) Provide some current examples brief discussion (see example below):

– History of I-Phone

– began with a request from Apple Inc.

– company’s engineers, asking them to investigate the use of touchscreen devices and tablet computers

– June 2007, I-Phone was announced

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_iPhone (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.)

4) Summarize points of what you learned from this section and how your sections (that you reviewed) impacts education and/or the workforce.

* Note: The title and reference slides are not included in the 7 to 10 slides. You may use pictures, sound, video, voice, etc. Be creative, but media should be appropriate and relates to your presentation content.

This is the book for chapter 2 Required Textbooks:

King, K. P. (2017). Technology and Innovation in Adult Learning.
Jossey-Bass: San Francisco.

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