US Economic growth Research Paper Assignment

US Economic growth 
      US Economic growth

US Economic growth

Many economists have argued that “this is as good as it gets” for U.S. economic growth. But President Trump’s $1.5 trillion Tax Cuts and Jobs Act could kick economic growth into high gear and give a further boost to the long, strong stock market rally.

Now in the ninth year of an underwhelming recovery, the economy was long held back by an overhang of debt and speed bumps from China to the oil patch. It’s finally hit its stride and seems set to step up its pace in 2018.

“We’ve got a global synchronized boom with low inflation,” said strategist Ed Yardeni, president of Yardeni Research. He called it an ideal “Goldilocks scenario” for investors, with the economy neither too hot or too cold.

If it continues until June 2019, the U.S. economic expansion will break the record 120-month run of the 1991-2001 expansion.

Review the news clip given above then answer the following questions:

  • If you are an investor, do you think this is the right time for you to invest say hypothetically, $100,000? If yes, why and if no why not?
  • What will be the impact of this act on employment in the coming years?
  • As a student of economics, give 5 steps as a “suggestion plan” to sustain economic growth.

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