US Foreign Policy and Oil in the Middle East

US Foreign Policy and Oil in the Middle East It should be well-organized, balanced, and academically sound paper.

US Foreign Policy and Oil in the Middle East
US Foreign Policy and Oil in the Middle East

A student should state at the outset what the paper is about (i.e. purpose and general introduction), why he/she chose that topic, and describe the steps that will be taken in the order of no more than two-page introduction, six to eight-page main body that includes arguments and counter-arguments supported by footnotes or endnotes, and ending with a two-page conclusion/s, where students may try to wrap up the topic in an interesting way. US Foreign Policy and Oil in the Middle East

US Foreign Policy and Oil in the Middle East Paper Writing Guidelines

In writing the conclusions students must try not to repeat the points that they already made. US Foreign Policy and Oil in the Middle East US Foreign Policy and Oil in the Middle East Included appropriate direct quotes from at least three different sources and correctly cited them. A student should state at the outset what the paper is about (i.e. purpose and general introduction), why he/she chose that topic, and describe the steps that will be taken in the order of no more than two-page introduction, six to eight-page main body that includes arguments and counter-arguments supported by footnotes or endnotes, and ending with a two-page conclusion/s, where students may try to wrap up the topic in an interesting way. In writing the conclusions students must try not to repeat the points that they already made. Included appropriate direct quotes from at least three different sources and correctly cited them.  US Foreign Policy and Oil in the Middle East A student should state at the outset what the paper is about (i.e. purpose and general introduction), why he/she chose that topic, and describe the steps that will be taken in the order of no more than two-page introduction, six to eight-page main body that includes arguments and counter-arguments supported by footnotes or endnotes, and ending with a two-page conclusion/s, where students may try to wrap up the topic in an interesting way.

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