Vaccinations required for entry into elementary school
Vaccinations are required for entry into elementary school. Your friend – who has an infant is concerned about having her child vaccinated. What would you tell this friend about vaccinations?
Are vaccinations worth the time and money to get them done? Are there any concerns about having them completed? What about the childís safety? Are the vaccinations safe? Would you want your child vaccinated?
Should your child have more vaccinations than are presently required? If so, what other vaccinations should be required? What if you miss a vaccination – should you just get them all together or wait a couple of weeks in between vaccinations?
What if your child isn’t vaccinated, and it is a carrier of a preventable (with a vaccination) disease, and your child gives that disease to a baby who is not yet old enough to receive the vaccine and the child gets the disease and dies – are you responsible for that child’s death?
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