Vocabulary Term from Contemporary and Recitative Music

Vocabulary Term from Contemporary and Recitative Music Recitative

Vocabulary Term from Contemporary and Recitative Music
Vocabulary Term from Contemporary and Recitative Music
  1. Find one example that illustrates your vocabulary term from contemporary music (any genre is fine, but no classical music or instructional videos) on YouTube and copies and pastes a link to the example into the slide.
  2. Include exact time markers for the section you want us to hear.
  3. Provide a brief description of how the term is heard in the example (e.g. the ostinato is played by the bassist) and say a few words about what attracts you to this music (e.g. “We think the use of ostinato is a perfect choice because the repetition of the same pattern creates a mesmerizing effect that fits well with the lyrics which are about hopelessness”).

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