Volume Change of Ocean Water Multiple Choice

Volume Change of Ocean Water Multiple Choice 1. Calcium bicarbonate is created by the interaction of the substances. What are they?

Volume Change of Ocean Water Multiple Choice
Volume Change of Ocean Water Multiple Choice

A plants, magnesium, dolomite

B carbon dioxide, sunlight, and plants

C water, carbon dioxide, and lime

D water, carbon dioxide, and dolomite

E oxygen, water, magnesium bicarbonate

Q2. Where are you likely to find tower karst?

A the U.S. and Canada

B China and Vietnam

C Russia and Iran

D Hawaii and Alaska

E Japan and India

Q3. Geothermal energy as a kind of new energy, which of the following is true?

Useful minerals can be ʺminedʺ along with hot water.

B It is immune from seismic activity.

C It can be used in home applications.

D Enhanced geothermal system technology can be applied anywhere.

E Large amounts of useful carbon dioxide are released.

Q4. Which of the following is likely to cause the precipitation of lime out of a water solution?

A Photosynthesis in heat-loving algae

B Rain falling out of clouds

C Reduction of temperature and pressure

D Water squeezed into rock joints

E Sublimation of liquid water

Q5. What are the three necessary ingredients for hydrothermal activity?

A molten material close to the surface, broken rock material close to the surface, and plentiful precipitation.

B steep slopes, broken rock material close to the surface, and plentiful precipitation.

C much limestone, steep slopes, and acidic groundwater

D relatively high altitude, broken rock material close to the surface, and acidic groundwater.

Q6. If differential erosion exist a region, which of the following is true?

A It is likely to be a humid region with minimal weathering.

B It is likely to be a humid region of sandstone rocks.

C It is likely to be an arid region of massive igneous rocks.

D It is likely to be an arid region of multiple sedimentary layers.

Q7. Which of the following is true about most desert streamflows?

A They usually evaporate or seep into the landscape.

B They usually run to the sea.

C They usually flow into an exotic stream.

D They usually are perennial.

E They usually end many weeks after a rain.

Q8. Which of the following does NOT belong on the list?

A Deflation

B Blowout

C Saltation

D Abrasion

Q9. In a typical basin-and-range terrain, which one of the following landforms is found at the lowest elevation relative to the others?

A playa

B pediment

C range

D alluvial fan

Q10. Which one of the following does NOT belong with the others?

A plateau

B butte

C pinnacle

D mesa

E playa

Q11. Which of the following is likely to be found in mesa-and-scarp topography?

A Folding

B Soil creep

C Vivid color

D A high average annual rainfall total

E Erosion of igneous rocks

Q12. Which of the following does NOT belong with the others?

A Anauatak

B kame

C Moraine

D drumlin

E Esker

Q13. Which of the following is in the wrong spatial order with the others?

A terminal moraine

B accumulation zone

C equilibrium line

D ablation zones

Q14. Tarn is associated with which of the following?

A knickpoint

B moraine

C erratic

D cirque

E arête

Q15. Which of the following does not affect the glacial erosion?

A periglacial conditions

B thickness of the ice

C rate of ice flow

D roughness of terrain

E bedrock structure

Q16. A wave just passed a buoy in the middle of the ocean. How would the buoy move?

A It would move in the direction opposite to that of the wave

B It would move first in the direction of the wave and then in the direction opposite to that of the wave

C It would move in the direction of the wave

D It would move up and down

E It would move at right angles to the wave motion

Q17. Which of the following is likely to break a wave?

A the wind increases its speed near shorelines

B random molecular motion in wave forms

C the bottom interferes with its oscillatory motion

D the sediment load of water is greater near the shore

E the density of water increases closer to shore

Q18. Which of the following statement is true?

A Longshore currents transport sand.

B Rising sea level creates barrier islands.

C Submergence of shoreline creates cliffs.

D Tides always have significant erosion.

Q19. Which one of the following is related to the volume change of ocean water?

A Eustatic forces

B Gravitational forces

C Tidal forces

D Tectonic forces

E Erosional forces


Q20. Which of the following is true?

A When waves of translation move from deep water to shallow water near the coast, they change shapes and become waves of oscillation.

B Wave shape changes usually occur in zones near the coast rather than in open water.

C Most waves approach the coast parallel to the coast.

D Barrier reef is the most advanced stage of tropical reef formation

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