Vulnerable Populations

Vulnerable Populations

• This learning assessment activity serves to support learners’:
• Examination of the relationship between vulnerability/social determinants of health and health disparities
• Identification of population risk and protective factors relative to health outcomes
• Prioritization of interventions for targeted population’s health based on assessment data
• Exploration of the professional nurses’ role as population health advocate
Step 1: Select a Vulnerable or Special Population
• Select a vulnerable or special population based on the ten (10) topics outlined within the lesson (see suggested resources in the table below).
• Address each of the six (6) content areas listed below in your paper. Your paper should be in paragraph form rather than answering the outlined topics.
1. Identify the vulnerable or special population selected and your state.
2. Describe the factors contributing to the vulnerability of the selected population. Discuss the vulnerable population using the epi triad-host, agent, and environment

3. Describe the significance and economic impact of the population in relation to community and population health. Cite statistics to support the significance and economic impact. Remember to cite according to APA Guidelines

4. Identify demographic and epidemiological data relevant to your population.
o Describe the characteristics in terms of demographics and epidemiological data (e.g., age, sex, marital status, economic status, employment status, race, ethnicity, household composition, health insurance coverage, access to health care, education levels, health conditions, etc.). Be sure to cite your sources appropriately.
5. Identify two (2) priority health concerns for this population and support your concerns with the literature. Cite your references in text to support your statements.

6. Discuss several evidence-based strategies nurses can implement that target the priority health concerns and the role of the nurse in improving the health outcomes for the population. You can implement using the levels of prevention-primary, secondary, and tertiary. Be thorough in your discussion.

Step 2: Research Your Population
• You will have a minimum of four (4) references for this project including your textbook, a minimum of one scholarly journal article, and minimum of one web-based source. References should be within the past 3 years. You may use the assigned reading article as one of your required journal article references.
• Use the U of A Online Libraries to locate your scholarly journal article(s).
• Review web-links related to your topic within the Project # 2 folder accessible from the Community/Population Web-Based Resources in the left-pane navigation menu.
• Review the grading rubric to guide you in the development of your paper: Project 2 Grading Rubric.(located in the back of your syllabi)
Step 3: Prepare Your Paper
• As you prepare your paper, use concepts and terms that have learned in the course. You might consider approaching the vulnerable population with host, agent, and environment. Also, look at prevalence, incidence, risk factors. Using the concepts that you have learned will add a dimension of critical thinking and synthesis to your paper.
• Remember to cite your references throughout the body of your writing to show where they influenced your writing and to support your conclusions. Note that direct quotations should be used sparingly and the paper should be written in your own words. Review your APA manual for formatting in-text and parenthetical citations and references.

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