Women’s creative expressions Essay Paper

Women’s creative expressions
Women’s creative expressions

Women’s creative expressions

As students of histories of Asia would you agree that women’s creative expressions (poetry, songs, treatises, novels, memoirs, advice literature) provide historians with unique perspectives into societies of the distant past?

As students of histories of Asia would you agree that women’s creative expressions (poetry, songs, treatises, novels, memoirs, advice literature) provide historians with unique perspectives into societies of the distant past? Focus on at least three examples to elaborate how women’s voices are important sources for historians. Your essay should highlight the context in which the women you choose to write about were expressing themselves. Would you agree that Asian women, whether they were writing/composing in support of familial and societal structures or against those structures, were not simply victims of patriarchies but agents in their own rights?

Your essay should be of 1500 words in length, double-spaced and in 12 font. Please do not use internet sources or sources that have not been introduced in the course without consulting me in advance.

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