Writing about Literature based on Perrine’s Literature textbook and Harbrace Essentials

You will write a  paper that addresses 1 of the plays from
the Drama Unit. At least 6 citations, including the primary source and at least 5 secondary, scholarly sources, are required for this assignment. Before you begin writing the paper, carefully read the below guidelines for developing your paper topic.

1. Write an essay explaining how Sophocles’ Oedipus exemplifies or refutes Aristotle’s
definition of a tragic hero. Review pp. 1250–1254 and 1257–1258 in your Perrine’s
Literature textbook for the background and overview of Aristotle’s concept of
tragedy/the tragic hero and drama. Then, re-read Sophocles’ play, Oedipus; you may
review additional audio-visual resources on the play as well.
2. Discuss William Shakespeare’s Othello, the Moor of Venice as a tragedy. As defined by
Aristotle, is it correct to label Othello a “tragic hero” and to classify the play as an
Aristotelian tragedy? Review pp. 1250–1254 and 1257–1258 in the Perrine’s Literature

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