1502 Columbia founds the Costa Rica coast

1502 Columbia founds the Costa Rica coast
1502 Columbia founds the Costa Rica coast

1502 Columbia founds the Costa Rica coast in his fourth voyage

Format: Essay format with headers (bolded). Double-spaced, 1 margins, proofread, spell checked and work cited. MLA format 10-12 pages. Turnitin: Projects must be submitted to Turnitin to be accepted(Located in ulearn). Your turnitin originality report should be a score between 15-35%.

Costa Rica Study Abroad ñ Spring 2019

TRVL3020 Ecotourism
Destination Pre-Departure Assignment (100 points)

The following project will help you to prepare for our trip abroad. Research each of the topics provide below.

1. Costa Rica
a. History (Brief description)
a. In the year 1502 Columbia founds the Costa Rica coast in his fourth voyage and then in 1563 Spanish colonists established its colony at Costa Rica. When Latin Americans were calling for independence, Costa Rica’s constitution was passed in 1949.
b. Are there states, provinces, or counties? How many? Can you name them? How are they different?
a. Costa Rica is divided into 7 provinces, with 81 counties and cities, and 421 districts.
b. Seven provinces: Alajuela, Cartago, Guanacaste, Heredia, LimÛn, Puntarenas, San JosÈ
c. Climate
a. There are only two seasons: rain season and dry season. Rainy season is from April to December and the dry season (Summer) is from the end of December to April. Annual temperature is 15 ∞ C(59F) to 26∞ C(79F). For the coast area it is 21∞ C (70F)to 30∞ C(86F).
d. What are the main cities? The population? The main industries?
e. Type of currency, exchange rate with the USD
a. 1 DOLLAR= 608 COLON
b. 1 RMB=90 COLON

2. Politics and Religion
a. Name the current political leaders and their titles
a. Carlos Alvarado Quesada (President of Costa Rica)
b. How would you describe the form of government and the political process?
a. Costa Rica is a presidential, representative democratic republic, whereby the president serves as the country’s head of state and head of government.
b. Costa Rica has three branches like America: legislative, executive, and judicial.
c. What are the interest groups and how do they express their concerns?
a. Partido de Liberacin Nacional, Partido Accin Ciudadana, Movimiento Libertario, Partido Unidad Social Cristiana. (National Baath Party, Broad Front Party and all the people join the party)
b. Studies concerning Costa Rica are of two kinds: those concerned with the country’s history, which use cultural, economic, social and political indicators to draw an irreversible evolution toward an occidental democratic order; and those that take for granted the exceptional nature of the Costa Rican regime and try to enumerate the society’s distinctive features. The first type does not explain but rather commemorates, meaning that every historical event is considered as an evolutionary stage. The second type describes social features but does not explain either 2 (Dabene).
d. Is bribery a part of the government? If so, in what ways?
a. In Costa Rica, 24 percent are estimated to have used bribes for obtaining such public services, lower than the regional average, and the lowest rate in Central America, but far from stellar in a would-be healthy democracy (Anders).
e. Is politics an appropriate topic of conversation?
a. Politics and family are good conversation topics while Costa Ricans shy away from discussions about religion and personal criticisms (DigitalCavalry).
f. Is there a state religion? How many religions are represented in the country?
a. Roman Catholicism; 76.3% of Costa Ricans identify as Catholic. An additional 13.7% are Evangelical Christians, 1.3% are Jehovah’s Witness, and 0.7% are Protestant Christian. The remaining 8% either have no religion (3.2%) or are of other faiths (4.8%), including Mormonism, Judaism and Islam (Velzer).
g. What are the 5 dominant religious values in the country?
a. Although the Costa Rican Constitution establishes Catholicism as the state religion, it also assures religious freedom for all.
b. Roman Catholicism; 76.3% of Costa Ricans identify as Catholic. An additional 13.7% are Evangelical Christians, 1.3% are Jehovah’s Witness, and 0.7% are Protestant Christian. The remaining 8% either have no religion (3.2%) or are of other faiths (4.8%), including Mormonism, Judaism and Islam (Velzer).
3. Daily Life and Non-Verbal Communication (Note: 65% of meaning is communicated nonverbally)
a. How do people greet each other? Say ìgoodbyeî?
a. Handshake between men and patting or touching forearm between women.
b. Say adios.
b. Is gift giving a custom? What kind of gift for what occasion? Are there gifts you should not give?
c. What is the appropriate distance between two persons?
d. What is the appropriate amount of eye contact?
e. How is time managed differently?
f. Are there any nonverbal behaviors patterns or hand gestures you use which may be offensive?

5. Education and Social Structure
a. Is Education free? Compulsory? To what age/grade level?
b. How does the education system compare to yours?(Perceived advantages/disadvantages)
c. What are the social class divisions?
d. Are there ethnic divisions?
e. Is there discrimination? Against whom?
f. Has the experience of colonialism or foreign domination affected class structure? The attitude toward foreigners?
g. Are there differences between male and female roles in the home? Business? Education? Society?

6. Business and Social Customs
a. What are some of the dominant business values?
b. Should you invite business colleagues to your home? To a restaurant?
c. Should you be on time or late for a meeting?

7. Food
a. Describe the kinds of foods that are common locally. What do locals eat for their daily meals? Are there some foods that seem strange or unusual?
b. What are the local beverages?
c. Tipping policy

8. Newspapers and Media
a. What is the government’s attitude toward the media in general?

9. Health and Safety
a. What medical facilities are available? Is it socialized or not?
b. Health and sanitation conditions, including drinking water.
c. Cautions to the traveler about the country.
d. Crime rate and most common crimes affecting tourists

10. Their Attitude toward You
a. Local population sentiment toward the US. What do they think of Americans?
b. Is there a large US expatriate community?
c. What is YOUR attitude toward these people?

Format: Essay format with headers (bolded). Double-spaced, 1 margins, proofread, spell checked and work cited. MLA format 10-12 pages. Turnitin: Projects must be submitted to Turnitin to be accepted(Located in ulearn). Your turnitin originality report should be a score between 15-35%.

Works Citation

Anders, Wendy. ìNearly 1 in 4 People in Costa Rica Paid a Bribe for Public Services in Past Year. Costa Rica Star News, 11 Oct. 2017, news.co.cr/nearly-1-4-people-costa-rica-paid-bribe-public-services-past-year/66871/.

DigitalCavalry. Etiquette Tips for Costa Rica.î Hostel Bekuo Costa Rica Hostel and Backpackers in San Jose Costa Rica Etiquette Tips for Costa Rica Comments, www.hostelbekuo.com/traveling-in-costa-rica/etiquette-for-costa-rica/.

Dabene, Olivier. Lanic.utexas.education, lanic.utexas.edu/project/etext/llilas/tpla/8801.pdf.

Velzer, Ryan Van. Religion in Costa Rica. Costa Rica, 19 June 2015, www.costarica.com/culture/religion-in-costa-rica.

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