5R framework Assignment Paper Available


5R framework
5R framework

5R framework

5R framework

This assessment builds on your feedback and understanding of your first assignment – reflective response. Using the 5R framework, you are to write THREE reflective responses (500 words per response) on any three articles among the provided readings for this unit. Your reflections should demonstrate your learning from the reading, the impact of this learning on you, and the implications of this learning to your future professional practice.

Total word count: 1500

Your paper should:

A description of your core issue presented in the reading
An explanation of how your learning from the reading impacted you, drawing connections to previous learning, understandings, or experiences you may have had.
Include evidence in support of your learning and implications for your future professional practice – facts, statistics, theories drawn from scholarly and peer reviewed sources (at least THREE sources per reflection).
You may use first person (personal pronouns) for your reflections; however, you must continue to use a formal academic style.
Your reflection needs to include:

A brief descriptive account of the reading.
An explanation of the issues identified in the reading.
Your personal response to the reading.
Connections between the reading/issues presented in the reading and any personal, professional and or learning experiences (knowledge gained).
An explanation of what these issues mean to your future professional practice in healthcare – why is this important for you to know and how might it impact on your professional practice?
Formatting guidelines:

Only use Times New Roman or Calibri (12pt font) or Arial (11pt font)

Double-spacing required

Include both in-text and end-text referencing following APA 6th conventions (from scholarly or peer-reviewed sources).

Headings are permitted

Personal pronouns (I, my, we) are permitted, as this is a personal reflection.

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