A Catholic Belief or Theological Idea On Is Purgatory Real

A Catholic Belief or Theological Idea On Is Purgatory Real Write a 5 page research position paper (5 full pages minimum) which makes a case for a particular Catholic belief or theological idea.

A Catholic Belief or Theological Idea On Is Purgatory Real
A Catholic Belief or Theological Idea On Is Purgatory Real

Students will propose topics for approval or ask instructor for suggestions. Make sure to write the paper using the approach that was explained in class (introduction with thesis statement, clear sections and transitions, a discussion of Scripture and Catholic tradition, an examination of the reasonableness of the belief, clear argument(s) for your position, and a brief conclusion). Your audience is someone who understands basic Christian faith and theology and who is generally familiar with your topic area, so you can presume understanding of basic terminology, among other things.
You should use at least 3 reputable sources, at least two of which should be print resources (including eBooks, journal articles you find through our library databases and the like).

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