A Dramatist Shakespeare Adaptation to Himself Answer any one of the following questions:
In the light of your knowledge of the plays compare and contrast how, and to “As a dramatist Shakespeare not only found inspiration in the source texts composed by other writers but also by adapting himself.
Comparing the plays we often find scenes in which the dramatic patterns and meaning of his own earlier works are reinvented and reconfigured.”
In light of this observation consider the relationship between any two of the following passages from different plays:
(1) Richard II Act 2, sc 3, (RSC, p. 855, Bullingbroke: ‘How far, my lord, to Berkeley now?’) and The First Part of Henry the Fourth Act 3, sc 2 (RSC, p.
935, King Henry: ‘Lords give us leave. The Prince of Wales and I | Must have some conference’).
Answers will be rewarded for relevance to the specific question, cogency, attention to verbal and stylistic detail, awareness of performance possibilities
and identification of subtle or less immediately obvious points. Where you consider it to be relevant you are encouraged to draw on your wider knowledge of each play, or on your knowledge of other plays, however, I recommend that at least 66% of your answer should be focussed upon the specific passages.
Any relevance found between this question and Henry the Fifth will be also appreciated.