Letter of complaint against manager’s behavior

Letter of complaint against manager's behavior
Letter of complaint against                manager’s behavior

Letter of complaint against manager’s behavior

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It is a complaint against manager behavior. Please proofread my attachment. do your best to stay close to my initial idea in letter. I know you can do better that I did. There is no APA style or reference.



Letter of complaint against manager’s behavior



Re: Complaint about meeting held at Long Pine on Saturday, 07/11/2015

To: E M, Manager

Dear Exxx,

As per our company’s policies and procedures about chain of command, I am sending this letter to express the disappointment I encountered during the meeting held on Saturday. I was intimidated, harassed and bullied.

What were the occurrences? First, I received an early phone call from Ms. Rana, the Team Leader, informing me about the meeting.

  • The actual meeting.
  • The hand-in of write up.
  • My accidental encounter with Shawn on Friday July 01, 2015.

The early phone call from Ms. Rana. The latter called me at 8:25 AM, when I was at work at long Pine group home. When I picked up the phone, I introduced myself. Ms. Rana asked me if she was on speakerphone and I replied ‘yes’. She asked to turn it off, which I did. However, I told Mrs Rana that I could not hear her properly without the speakerphone. The sound of her voice was inaudible and seemed like it was coming from far away. She asked me to go upstairs in the office, which I did.

She said to me in an intimidating voice, “I checked your time sheet. You clocked in late this morning.” I accepted that I had come in late and explained further that I had left my house earlier to be at work on time. I added that it was actually raining hard, there were road constructions on weekend and that I could not control the flow of traffic. I could not go over the speeding limit because of being 5 minutes late.

She went on saying that my write-up was coming today. She reminded me that I went to see Shawn to complain about 15 minutes’ grace period policy and that Shawn had gone over it with me and discussed with me about my being late at work in the past. I told Ms. Rana that Shawn didn’t discuss with me about my lateness. She insisted that Shawn said so and that I was going to be issued a write-up for that reason. I told her that the write-up was either pay back, intimidation, and harassment because I had gone to meet with Shawn.

  • The actual meeting.

On the same day, Saturday 07/11/15 at 2PM, Ms. Rana and you, Ms. Esi, entered inside the Long Pine group home. I was sitting upstairs finishing the medication book. You both went in the office, locked the door behind you and commenced laughing loud. After 20 minutes, at 2:25 PM, you opened the office door and said, “Rosita, we need to talk to you.” I promptly stopped working on the medications inventory. Ms. Esi, you said to me that I need to bring a chair with me, which I did. The setting of the meeting was hostile and intimidating. Chairs were placed like people seated in a commercial bus. I asked you, Ms. Esi, about who was going to conduct the meeting and who parties to the meeting were. You replied that you were the one conducting the meeting and all of us were part of the meeting. I raised my concern that Ms. Rana was seating behind your back and I was unable to view her. You said, “I am sorry about that.” You made a room to accommodate everyone. Ms. Rana angrily said to me that I am not to tell her how she needs to conduct her meeting.

  • The hand-in of write-up letter moment.

Mr. Esi, you said to me, “This is your write-up because you came late today and you failed to call me, the weekend on call manager that you were running late.” You added that the letter also includes supporting documents of my time sheet showing the times I was late coming to work since April of 2015. You said that it is a company’s policy that we have to abide by and that although many staff members still think that they still have 15 minutes grace period, it does not exist anymore. After that, you handed me the write-up, which was in the white envelope. I took it and glanced at it rapidly and saw that the write-up was not either signed by you or Ms. Rana. I said to you that the letter was not valid because it was not signed by either of you. I asked you the whereabouts of the original document that we all had to sign and acknowledge the content of the letter. You replied to me that now we don’t do that anymore. We (the Company) don’t do that. What you do presently is just give staff a document without signature and you do not have to sign it off for acknowledgement. I asked you to inform me when you started this practice. Ms. Rana said to me, “Shawn already has the copy of this letter on file.” I said to her I could not sign off a document by hear-say. I also said that if I couldn’t see the original document of this letter, which was going onto my personal file, I couldn’t take the letter and acknowledge it. Ms. Rana said to me, “Who are you to tell me what I need to do. I will do whatever I want.”

Once Ms. Rana took the letter from realized that my assessments about the write-up were valid, she confined herself in one of the corners of the office between the safe and the TV and rapidly signed off the document. I politely asked her not to sign off the letter. She told me not to go closer to her in an intimidating and bullying voice. Then she told you, “Esi quickly sign here.” Ms. Esi, you took the letter, placed it on the office table on top of the calendar and signed it off. I turned towards you and said, “Ms. Esi, what type of game are you two playing?” Right after that incident of signing off, Ms. Rana faxed the document to the office. That is the letter that was destined to me, which I refused to take because it wasn’t signed off by none of the managers. It was about 2:40 PM. I asked you, Ms. Esi, “Why am I being harassed?” You said that no one had harassed me. And this morning, Ms. Rana harassed me again. She asked me not to even repeat it. Esi was on the other line listening to the conversation. You, Esi replied to me with a surprised facial expression and said: this morning over the phone? Suddenly Ms. Rana stood up and came near where I was seating directly on my face and invading my private space. I asked her twice: “Madam please go back to your place and have a seat.” She refused. She said the meeting is over and that I should leave to go look after the clients/recipients. And that was the end of the meeting.

  • My accidental encounter.

Mr. Shawn is the Executive Director of the company.  On Friday, 07/01/2015, at 2:30 PM, I went to the office to drop off the discharge notice from the doctor of my working complications due to an accident that occurred when I was at work leading to shoulder pains. I didn’t plan to see either Shawn or the HR manger. The purpose of my visit again was to drop off the doctor’s discharge notice. From our conversation, I asked Mr. Shawn about the unexpected check amount paid to me. I recalled Ms. Esi calling me in Mars and telling me that if I had any questions about work complications and their payment, I should feel free to ask Shawn and per Rana’s request.

Based on the occurrences stated above, I strongly believe that I have been harassed, intimidated, put down, and bullied. Also, I did not know and I was not made aware that there was another individual listening to the phone conversation. This is a serious violation.

I humbly ask you to look into this matter. I hope to hearing from you soon.



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