A Musculoskeletal Case Study
Order Instructions:
Case Study Evaluation
•Analyze the disorder addressing the following elements: pathophysiology, signs/symptoms, progression trajectory, diagnostic testing, and treatment options.
•Differentiate the disorder from normal development.
•Discuss the physical and psychological demands the disorder places on the patient and family.
•Explain the key concepts that must be shared with the patient and family to achieve optimal disorder management and outcomes.
•Identify key interdisciplinary team personnel needed and how this team will provide care to achieve optimal disorder management and outcomes.
•Interpret facilitators and barriers to optimal disorder management and outcomes
•Describe strategies to overcome the identified barriers.
Care Plan Synthesis
•Designed a comprehensive and holistic recognition and planning for the disorder.
•Addresses how the patient’s socio-cultural background can potentially impact optimal management and outcomes.
•Demonstrated an evidence-based approach to address key issues identified in the case study.
•Formulates a comprehensive but tailored approach to disorder management.
APA Style/Format: Free of grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Citations and references are written in correct APA Style.
A Musculoskeletal Case Study
The patient in the scenario has developed a musculoskeletal abnormality. The disorder entails the impairment of the functions of the bone structure and or abnormalities on the muscular functionality. Other musculoskeletal structures that lose functionality in the pathological occurrence on the system include tendons, cartilage, ligaments, and intervertebral disks (Mobasheri & Mendes, 2013). Usually, musculoskeletal structures are relaxed and free from the pressure under normal physiological conditions.
The psychological difficulties that he patient has to cope with include depression, low self-efficacy, helplessness, and lack of social support (Marwaha, Horobin, & McLean, 2013). The patient’s divorced status together with the lack of children could worsen the psychological impacts of the disease. The patient is also likely to face physical demands such as the inability to work.
Optimal management of the disease would require the involvement of the patient’s family. The management plan should aim at informing the family of the necessity of psychological support for the patients. Supporting the patient would help overcome effects of the disease such as depression.
Interdisciplinary stakeholders in the care plan could include physiotherapists, nurses, pharmacists, educators, and social relations experts. The team should see to it that the patient undertakes the necessary disease condition assessments and that he receives care of high quality. Optimizing the patient’s use of medication and improving social relations would also be important tasks of such a team.
An important facilitator to optimal care provision includes the patient’s willingness to learn and implement management strategies for the disease. Undertaking the recommended physiotherapy practices would facilitate the achievement of effective care. Barriers include the patient’s misleading beliefs concerning the occurrence and management of the musculoskeletal condition (Sanders, Foster, Bishop, & Ong, 2013). The patient believes that the condition would disappear automatically, and he is not willing to spend money on treatment.
To overcome the barriers, care providers should aim at educating the patient on the importance of managing one’s health. The care team should also suggest an appropriate insurance plan for the patient to overcome the challenge of spending too much of the patient’s little finances. The team should also advise the patient against drug abuse as such practices could interfere with medication adherence and proper use.
Care Plan
The musculoskeletal condition in the patient is work related and has developed slowly over years. The root of the painful sensations is either injury or tension to the various components of the musculature and skeletal structures. Roofing necessitates the patient to take postures and positions that place him at the risk of hurting the musculoskeletal structures. The patient in the scenario could best manage his condition by use of pain relievers and restricting his movements.
The socio-cultural background of the patient is likely to hurt care strategies. The patient has no family, and he may not receive the help that he needs in managing the condition. Also, the disjunction with his wife places him at the risk of psychological stress. Stress could worsen musculoskeletal disorder and slow the recovery from the ailment. Also, the abuse of marijuana and alcohol place the patient at a high possibility of failing to comply with treatment procedures.
An evidence-based strategy of addressing the condition would include proper work design to overcome the physical straining that the patient faces in his job. The use of tools such as well-structured ladders and belts could minimize physical straining. The patient could also adopt a culture of practicing simple but regular exercises with the aim of relaxing his body.
The management of the illness could include the use of the applicable NSAIDS for pain alleviation. The patient could also receive an injection of anesthetics at the site of injury to fasten pain alleviation. He should also perform light exercises to relax the strained structures. Use of heat in massaging affected sites could help restore comfort in the affected sites.
Marwaha K, Horobin H, & McLean S. (2010). Indian physiotherapists’ perceptions of factors that influence the adherence of Indian patients to physiotherapy treatment recommendations. International Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation. Retrieved from http://ijptr.com/article/indian-physiotherapists-perceptions-of-factors-that-influence-the-adherence-of-indian-patients-to-physiotherapy-treatment-recommendations/
Mobasheri, A. & Mendes, A. F. (2013) Physiology and pathophysiology of musculoskeletal aging: current research trends and future priorities. Front. Physiol. 4(73). doi: 10.3389/fphys.2013.00073
Sanders, T., Foster, N., Bishop, A., & Ong, B. (2013). Biopsychosocial care and the physiotherapy encounter: physiotherapists’ accounts of back pain consultations. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 14(65), n.p. doi:10.1186/1471-2474-14-65
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