A training program-Human Resource Management

A training program-Human Resource Management
A training program-Human Resource                                        Management

A training program-Human Resource Management

To Plan, Design, Deliver, and Evaluate an Original Training Program

Assess the Draft Training Proposal , and finalize the topic and objectives for your training program. In a 20- to 25-slide PowerPoint presentation, not including the title and references slides:

Conduct a needs assessment for your proposed training program. This should include both a person and a task analysis.

Develop SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) training objectives based on the needs assessment and any assumptions you may need to make.

Create an original, detailed training proposal. This should include:

A title and description of the program.

A discussion of training methods to be used, and a rationale (justification) for using them, based on training theory.

Proposed instructors and the reason for using them.

A tentative training outline.

A tentative list and description of training materials needed.

Develop a plan for evaluation of training effectiveness including both short-term and long-term evaluation where appropriate.

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