ABC Company, Inc. Recommendations

ABC Company, Inc. Recommendations
ABC Company, Inc. Recommendations

ABC Company, Inc. Recommendations

OL-322-Q6652 Managing Organizational Change
Southern New Hampshire University
Dr. Victor Wang

As an organizational change advisory, it is a pleasure to be given the opportunity to assist ABC Company on changing and shaping your business. We understand that it can stressful during the changes; however, we trust that with these changes it can be successful, and we are here to support you and your organization along the way.

After reviewing ABC’s business operations, there is a few things that would need attention to. The first thing that I have taken notice is the lack of management and leadership because the President is barely involved with day to day business and business is only conducted from home that leaves little or no contact with managements and leadership. Which leads to poor correspondence between the President and downstream within the organization. The third area that needs attention is perseverance within the organization amount the employees and associates which leads ABC’s turnover rate to be very broad.
This suggests agents don’t regard the staffs and exhibit no immovability to it. Eventually is the augmentation in feature. The organization has been and worked for quite a while under these management with immaterial changes along these lines leaving the organization torpid and unfit to create.

For ABC Company to stay in business. Things needs to change within the organization, the business operations and quality needs to improve. The President and management need to have a grip of the business operations, which means that the President to be more involved in day to day business decision and make any necessary changes that is needed. The President needs to be in the office more and conduct business and meetings on a face to face communications which will gives managements and leaders to address any concern they may have regarding business operations. This will assist the managements to have a better understand and plans for a successful implement and execution of changes with employees. This will also give the employees a chance to voice their concerns and is able to taken the changes if they have a better understand and trust with the management team. By giving the employees a chance to take part of the changes this will make them feel valued and loyal towards the company which ABC Company will have a less turnover rate. One last suggestion would be looking into another location and which will help ABC Company to expand their products into other areas; however, this process must take time and researching areas for the next location.

Judge, W. (n.d.). Focusing on organizational change. Washington, D.C.: Retrieved from:

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