Administrative Law Topic Essay Assignment

Administrative Law Topic Essay Assignment The final research writing assignment will have you address an Administrative Law topic of your choosing which involves a public policy issue.

Administrative Law Topic Essay Assignment
Administrative Law Topic Essay Assignment

For example, you may select Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA), or another similarly related topic which relates to a public policy issue. Proper APA format is a requirement for this paper. At a minimum, your paper will have an Introduction, Body, Conclusion and References section. It is expected that at least five (5) separate references will be incorporated into your paper, including at least 2 case briefs.
Your paper should be a maximum length of 5 to 7 pages, typed, double spaced, 12 point font, 1’ margins. This short writing assignment will provide you with great flexibility to express your opinion on issues involving administrative law while earning valuable points toward your overall grade.

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