Adverse Trend and Data Management

Adverse Trend and Data Management Identify an adverse trend (across multiple patients ) that could occur within your organization. (hospital )
Create a flow chart
Write a paper explaining the flow chart
-explain how you may become aware of the trend in question & why you would want to investigate further
-Describe the data you would need to collect, the sources & why you would need this data
-Describe the data collection methods you would use & why
-Describe how the data would affect your response to the adverse trend
-Explain how you will use the technology in each step
-Describe any regulatory, legal & ethical issues related to the use of data & the technologies used. Adverse Trend and Data Management Identify an adverse trend (across multiple patients ) that could occur within your organization. (h

Adverse Trend and Data Management
Adverse Trend and Data Management

ospital )

Create a flow chart for Adverse Trend and Data Management

Write a paper explaining the flow chart
-explain how you may become aware of the trend in question & why you would want to investigate further
-Describe the data you would need to collect, the sources & why you would need this data
-Describe the data collection methods you would use & why
Describe how the data would affect your response to the adverse trend
-Explain how you will use the technology in each step
-Describe any regulatory, legal & ethical issues related to the use of data & the technologies used.
Adverse Trend and Data Management Identify an adverse trend (across multiple patients ) that could occur within your organization. (hospital )
Write a paper explaining the flow chart
-explain how you may become aware of the trend in question & why you would want to investigate further
-Describe the data you would need to collect, the sources & why you would need this data
-Describe the data collection methods you would use & why
-Describe how the data would affect your response to the adverse trend
-Explain how you will use the technology in each step
-Describe any regulatory, legal & ethical issues related to the use of data & the technologies used.

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