African Heritage (Caribbean-Brazilian)

African Heritage (Caribbean-Brazilian)
African Heritage (Caribbean-Brazilian)

African Heritage (Caribbean-Brazilian)

For this assignment you are required to produce a thought piece. Using material from the course readings up to March 20, 2019, develop 4-5 pages thought piece regarding your understanding of the African presence in Brazilian and Caribbean society and culture.

Choose one (1) of the assigned readings [EXCEPT EQUIANO], and shape your thought piece as follows:

1-Identify and discuss the main argument(s) being made by the author (s);

2-Relate the reading to the themes discussed in classes so far;

3-Use at least 4 course readings to critique or commend the argument(s), made in the reading you have chosen;

4- How does your chosen reading affect your understanding of African heritage in the Caribbean and/or Brazil?

Chosen Article:

Kia Lilly Caldwell



And the 4 course reading to critique or commend:

1-Reading: Maureen Warner Lewis (2011) West Africa in the Caribbean: Arts, Artefacts and Ideas in Critical Arts, A South- North Journal of Cultural and Media Studies 25 (4), 555- 564

2-Reading: Randy Browne and Trevor Burnard (2017). Husbands and Fathers: The Family Experience of Enslaved Men in Berbice, 1819-1834. New West Indian Guide Vol 92 no 3

3-Reading: Richard Lynn (2008), Pigmentocracy: Racial Hierarchies in the Caribbean and Latin America in The Occidental Quarterly 8 (2) 25-44

4-Reading: Sheila S. Walker (2002) Africanity vs. Blackness: Race, Class and Culture in Brazil in NACLA Report on the Americas 35 (6) 16-20

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