Aging and later life marriages Essay Paper

Aging and later life marriages
Aging and later life marriages

Aging and later life marriages

People over 50 years old may marry for different reasons than couples in their early 20s. When you are at a different stage in your life you have more life experiences and different motivations Think about people 50 years old and older. Conduct research online to locate at least two articles to help you better understand this population and their preferences for marriage. Summarize each article. Next, use the information you researched to respond to the questions here.

What does the research indicate may be benefits to marrying later in life?

Are you ever too old to marry? Explain your response.

Does the research indicate any trends in older adults to cohabiting versus marrying? Why or why not?

If you were ever to become a widow or widower, would you remarry? Why or why not?

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