Alleviating crisis

Alleviating crisis

○ Explore the nature of the crisis presented
○ Suggest steps for alleviating the crisis
○ Teach coping skills; and
○ Help the victim(s) develop resiliency

● For the nature of the crisis section, be sure to identify the type of crisis, the people you’re
likely going to need to prioritize for debriefing, and their likely symptoms.
● For steps for alleviating the crisis, use scholarly sources to support your approach to
crisis intervention for the scenario you cover. For example, you could use Mitchell’s
CISM model, the ABC Model outlined by Kanel, Basic Intervention Procedures
discussed by Wright, or find another approach not covered in the class to alleviate the
crisis. However, be sure to show outside support for that approach. If you cover prayer as
a coping skill, you might want to find research on religious coping skills to support your

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