American Government Truman Doctrine
American Government Truman Doctrine
1. Describe the Truman Doctrine. What was its principal objective? Would you contend that it was consistent, or conflicted with, “making the world safe for democracy”? What did Presidents Clinton and Bush offer as a replacement for the Truman Doctrine? Was it an appropriate response to the realities of the period? Explain. What has President Trump proposed that might constitute a Trump Doctrine? Explain. Provide a case study to illustrate your view.
2. We have discussed a number of presidential doctrines. How would you characterize a Trump Doctrine? Of the previous doctrines that we have discussed, which would you suggest it is closest to? Explain. Which is it furthest from? Explain. Considering the constitutional distribution of power, what are the prospects for a Trump Doctrine being realized? Explain.
3. Select any current event. Which level of government, federal or state, would you suggest has been the most influential for that issue? Explain. Which branch of government has been the most influential? Explain. Which branch of government has responsibility for checking and balancing the one that you have selected? Explain. Has it been able to adequately perform that function? Why/why not?
4. Discuss realist and idealist philosophies regarding foreign policy. Which approach would you suggest would be best for the US currently? Explain, citing an area of foreign policy as a case study. Was that the approach used the last four years? Account for any similarities or differences.
5. Presently, the US Congress is deliberating over legislation aimed at tax reform. Describe, in general, the plan that has been proposed. What fiscal policy philosophy would you suggest this approach represents? Explain. Do you support that philosophy, or, not? Explain. Suggest a more suitable approach. Explain why your approach would make an improvement over the current one. Provide a constitutional basis for the present process.
6. Who would you name as the most effective president of the last 70 years? Explain being sure to consider his ability to wrest power from the Congress. Who has been the least effective? Again consider relations with Congress. The question does not ask who you approve of the most or least. It has to do with effectiveness.
7. Select a policy enacted by President Trump and/or the Congress since Inauguration Day. Plug that policy into the policymaking process. Can it be legitimately defended from a process standpoint? Explain. What role do you imagine issue networks played in that process? Explain.
8. There has been considerable debate in the last few years regarding religious rights v. civil liberties. The present “wedding cake” issue, being heard by the Supreme Court right now, is an example. Discuss any case where these two issues have collided. Cite contending constitutional positions on both sides. Cite contending ethical positions. In the end, explain which side of the debate on your issue you support and why.
9. Consider the matter of the California’s declaration of itself as a sanctuary state. Discuss what you believe to be the salient constitutional and ethical discussions on both sides of the debate over whether or not California should resist federal attempts to get the state to rescind that declaration. Which side do you think should prevail? Why. Discuss the constitutional bases for California’s claim that federal government is guilty of overreach. Provide a constitutional basis for the claim of the feds that they are not guilty of overreach.
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