American History Paper
(American Yawp Chapters 9 and 12)
Complete all parts of the test. Create one paper.
This test is open book for any of our course materials. You may use American Yawp,( Do not use other outside sources. Be sure to cite uses of all uses of primary sources and secondary sources. Plagiarism, such as cut and paste from the textbook or an internet source will be penalized.
Part One: Term Identification (5 points each, total of 20 points)
- In a paragraph of at least 50 words, identify and explain Manifest Destiny:
- In a paragraph of at least 50 words, identify and explain the historical significance of Mr. Polk’s War:
- In a paragraph of at least 50 words, explain the historical significance of the Young America movement:
- In a paragraph of at least 50 words, explain the historical significance of the federal government’s Civilization or Americanizing Policy:
Part Two: Historical Synthesis (60 points)
- Compare and contrast the conflicting perspectives on Andrew Jackson. Do you believe Jackson should be remembered as a champion to the common man or an imperial president (ie King Andrew)? Give THREE specific reasons that justify your position.
Part Three: Primary Source Analysis (20 points)
- Reread the 1836 ìCherokee Petition Protesting Removalî. (This was one of your Week 8 (Chapter 12) primary source readings and is available under the primary readings section on American Yawp.)
In a paragraph of at least 100 words:
- Briefly summarize the tribeís arguments protesting the removal.
- Compare the petition with the Declaration of Independence. How is it similar? How is it different?
- How does the petition help us better understand the impact of the Indian Removal Act of 1830?
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