An International Situation Analytical Essay

An International Situation Analytical Essay I need an analytical essay that is 4 pages long please. Take a recent example of an international situation you read about in the news.

An International Situation Analytical Essay
An International Situation Analytical Essay

Briefly describe the
situation and the main actors. Some ideas may be: Iran and the US striking a deal to halt the nuclear program OR the recent problems of North Korea OR if you have a really good one please use that. Please let me know first.
Using the foundational theories of international relations (realism, liberalism, and constructivism), identify and describe which of these theories you
believe explain the actors’ actions. Explain your reasoning. You will need a total of 4 sources; you will need to use the readings that I uploaded so that
will count for 2. The other 2 will need to academically credible sources. Please don’t forget to include an introduction, a conclusion, and a strong thesis.

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