An interview with Farley Mowat Owls in the Family

An interview with Farley Mowat Owls in the Family Read
Farley Mowat, Owls in the Family
Also a recent interview with Mowat:
Canadian native stories: –click at the bottom of the page for "Native Stories", and read stories 21, 97, 129.

An interview with Farley Mowat Owls in the Family
An interview with Farley Mowat Owls in the Family

Another Cinderella story, this one Mikmaq: I can’t figure out why this link won’t open in the course, but if you copy and paste the address, it works just fine.
please answer these questions
1 What parts of this book strike you as particularly Canadian? 2 Which parts might you find in a book by a writer from the USA?
This book is dated–does it still have an appeal to American readers, but child and adult? 3 If so, what are the appeals?
4 Is this a novel? What criteria are you using to determine your answer? 5 Does your answer change if you consider this only as a novel for children, not a
novel for a wider, adult audience?
6 Does this book appeal to girls? What would have to change to broaden its interest to both sexes of children?
7 The illustrations are obviously quite simple–what changes will you as editor suggest so that the book continues its sales appeal?
About the native tales: 8 What similarities do you see among the Canadian native tales to other stories we’ve read?

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