Analysis of The ObamaVsMcCain campaign

Analysis of The ObamaVsMcCain campaign
Analysis of The ObamaVsMcCain campaign

Analysis of The ObamaVsMcCain campaign

Analysis of The ObamaVsMcCain campaign

Analyze the political campaign of the Obama Vs McCain 2008 presidential election. The analysis should be based on understanding what happened, why it happened, and what it can tell us about electoral strategy in general.
What happened? Who won? What were the issues? Who supported the candidate? Did they spend money on the election? What special interest were involved?
Why did it happen? What were the historical circumstances surrounding the campaign that caused the outcome that was reached? Why did that candidate win given the key issues and demographics that you identified? Who were the key voters? How did the candidate try to appeal to them? What was the message and why was it successful?
What does this election tell us about politics, for this part, I want you to offer me your own analysis of the election, Why is it important.
Remember to refer to the things like how the candidates framed their approach to the most important issues during that campaign cycle, perhaps they tried to align themselves with the median voter? Or did they take a different approach in trying to appeal to different demographic groups with issues-focused messages.

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