Analyze your personal leadership style

Analyze your personal leadership style
Analyze your personal leadership style

Analyze your personal leadership style

this is a personal leadership/management style analysis essay. Currently, I am an intern at Occupational Therapy office, my position is front desk assistant. My duties are making appointments, answering phone calls, checking insurance eligibility for patients and helping in the office. In the future, I am planning to apply for dental school. I hope this information would help you to write this paper. If you need more information let me know Thanks.

These are the instructions:

—-Our first Writing Intensive assignment asks for you analyze your personal leadership style. You will use a combination of your humanetrics and PH Leadership Assessment results, your internship experience, your career goals, and established leadership theory to describe your leadership style. The catch: this is meant to be a scientific style paper, so you will need to avoid writing in the first person (I, me, mine, etc).

The paper should include three sections – an introduction, the body (which will describe the results and leadership theory), and a discussion of the results. Based on your results and the chosen theory, what are the implications for your internship experience and future career goals?

—–You are analyzing your personal leadership style based on the results of two assessments – the Jung Typology Test (humanetrics assignment) and the PH Leadership Assessment, as well as your experiences so far at your internship and your future career goals
Utilize resources for APA (found under Web Links) – proper grammar, formatting, and citations are very important. Run your paper through a web tool such as Grammarly to check for errors
The internet is full of resources for writing a personal leadership/management style analysis; I welcome you to explore these resources.

Jung typology test (humanetrics assignment) link is here please use this link and use information from here!!!!!

PH Leadership Assessment results: Is uploaded in the files section, please use that too. !!!!

—-Some sources for information about leadership theories:

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