Analyzing Descriptive Data
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Analyzing Descriptive Data
The two main reasons for conducting epidemiologic descriptive research are for scientific and administrative analysis. Scientists seek to find factors associated with health outcomes, while administrators use the data to generate plans for public health programs. Their joint efforts help promote public health and increase the likelihood of effective public health initiatives.
For this Discussion, please select a significant public health topic. Then address the following:
Describe your selected health topic by providing three to five characteristics related to person (e.g., age, race, sex, occupation, marital status), place, (political or geographic; macro or micro), and time (calendar time, seasonal variation). Be sure to report epidemiological data and not just general observations.
Identify how one could obtain the raw data to determine the descriptive epidemiology of your health condition (e.g., surveys, questionnaires, medical records, lab testing, etc.). Please discuss how the method(s) of ascertainment would influence the completeness of case identification as well as the case definition/diagnostic criteria used.
Post an example of a hypothesis about a possible association between an exposure and an outcome that could be generated from the descriptive epidemiological data you have provided.
Make sure to cite your resources and include a reference list in correct APA style format.
Analyzing Descriptive Data: Chlamydia
The selected public health topic is Chlamydia, a common infectious disease. Chlamydia is essentially a sexually transmitted infection (STI) whose cause is Chlamydia trachomatis, a bacterium (Beydoun et al., 2010). A person may get this health condition when he or she has unprotected sexual intercourse. If Chlamydia is not treated, it could result in grave long-lasting health problems for instance infertility and pelvic inflammatory disease. It is of note that this STI could cause infections in infants. There are tests as well as effective treatments for this health condition.
The characteristics which are related to an individual with Chlamydia are as follows: female, African-American, aged 22 years, and single. This female confessed to having 3 sexual partners and engages in unprotected sexual intercourse with them. The person’s geographic location is San Diego, California where she studies at a university there. In regards to the epidemiology of Chlamydia, this is the most prevalent STI in America. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) pointed out that 1, 422, 900 cases of this infection were reported in the year 2012, and roughly 2.8 million infections happen every year (2014). Many cases of Chlamydia are actually not reported since the majority of persons infected with this health condition are asymptomatic and thus, they do not go for testing.
This health condition is most widespread amongst people who are young. The prevalence of this disease among young persons who are aged between 14 to 24 who are sexually-active is almost 3 times the prevalence among people who are aged between 25 to 39 years (CDC, 2014). Roughly one in 15 females who are sexually active aged between 14 years to 19 years has this STI. Significant ethnic/racial differences exist in Chlamydia infection considering that the prevalence amongst African Americans is about 5 times that among Caucasians (CDC, 2014). Black women are the most affected by Chlamydia compared to any other group.
One could obtain raw data to determine the descriptive epidemiology of the selected health condition through the use of the following methods: (i) lab testing: screening is a very effective tool for identifying those persons who are infected by this disease. It also helps in providing treatment to those affected and in preventing the further spread of Chlamydia (Beydoun et al., 2009). By carrying out lab testing in people suspected to be having this health condition, one can get raw data to establish the descriptive epidemiology of Chlamydia. (ii) Medical records: medical records from health care organizations and government agencies such as the CDC are also reliable sources of raw data to determine the descriptive epidemiology of Chlamydia. These records provide complete and comprehensive information regarding this STI including the prevalence countrywide, by state, disparity by gender and race, as well as the reasons for disparity in prevalence. (iii) Self-report face-to-face interview: a sample of people could be interviewed one-on-one to find out the epidemiology of Chlamydia.
The methods of ascertainment would influence the completeness of case identification and case definition in that some data sources and data collection methods may be more dependable than others. The surveillance data gathered using different methods may vary in comparability, accuracy, quality, timeliness, as well as completeness of Chlamydia. It is of note that the information regarding the prevalence of Chlamydia reported by surveillance systems could differ significantly mainly because of differences in method of case ascertainment, case definition, as well as the kinds of data sources (Das, 2008). Hypothesis: the prevalence of Chlamydia is more common among non-Hispanic black women than in other groups.
Beydoun, H., Dail, J., Tamim, H., Ugwu, B., & M., Beydoun. (2010). Gender and Age Disparities in the Prevalence of Chlamydia Infection Among Sexually Active Adults in the United States. Journal of Women’s Health, 19(12): 2183-2190
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2014). Chlamydia – CDC Fact Sheet. Available at http://www.cdc.gov/std/chlamydia/STDFact-chlamydia-detailed.htm (Accessed September 11, 2014).
Das, B. (2008). A New Method to Evaluate the Completeness of Case Ascertainment. National Center for Biotechnology Information.
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