Ancient civilizations
Which ancient civilizations, around the Mediterranean basin and the Persian Gulf, is the most relevant for us to know about today, and why is that so?
EUH 2011: Early European Civilization Paper 3
Deadline: Friday April 5, 2019 at 11:59 p.m.
Submit your paper on Canvas.
Write a paper (1,000–1,300 words) with a thesis statement, an argument, a conclusion, and a list of works cited based on evidence from the primary and secondary sources we have been studying throughout the semester.
The thesis statement of your paper will serve as the answer to the question below, followed by an argument that explains how your thesis statement answers the question.
During the course of the semester we have been studying several different ancient civilizations around the Mediterranean basin and the Persian Gulf. Which one of these ancient civilizations is the most relevant for us to know about today, and why is that so?
You are responsible for selecting the appropriate sources that will help support your argument. Choose from the sources that we have been studying throughout the semester. There is no need for you to locate other sources than those used in this course. This assignment is a writing exercise, not a research exercise.
Passing Grade:
For a passing grade your paper needs to be written in your own words and consist of a thesis statement, an argument, a conclusion, and a list of works cited. It needs to contain accurately included quotes immediately followed by accurate citations as well as summaries of the information found in the primary and secondary sources, also followed by citations.
When we write papers in history, we use Chicago Manual of Style Notes and Bibliography (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. You can find information on how to cite your sources using this style.
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