Animal Rights and A x Theory on the Subject of y

Animal Rights and A x Theory on the Subject of y A title of the form “A x theory on the subject of y .”, where x is replaced with a moral theory that we studied in the first half of the course, and y is replaced with a moral problem that we studied in the second half of the course.

Animal Rights and A x Theory on the Subject of y
Animal Rights and A x Theory on the Subject of y

The purpose of the essay is to bridge some moral theory that we studied in the first part of the course, with a contemporary moral problem that we studied in the second part of the course. Ask on the discussion board if you’re unsure about what this means.

Animal Rights and A x Theory on the Subject of y Introduction

A short introductory paragraph, with a clear thesis statement (e.g., I shall argue that Regan’s argument is incorrect … because …). Your thesis should almost always be the last sentence of your introductory paragraph.
A short, charitable reconstruction of the argument as presented by the philosopher that we read in class (you may, but need not, use standard premise / conclusion form).
An brief explanation, in your own words, of the positions that you’re describing (such as the Categorical Imperative, Justice as Fairness, Singer’s Famine Relief, etc).

Animal Rights and A x Theory on the Subject of y Conclusion

A suitable concluding paragraph.
At least two sources, and at least as many non-internet sources as internet sources (Read that sentence again to be sure you understand it).
No direct quotations. It is not necessary to directly quote any author. When it is important to do so, simply explain the position which he/she is defending. It is, however, necessary to cite all authors whose ideas you reference. Thus, if you begin a sentence with, e.g., “According to Plato…”, you should end that sentence with a citation. Essays that include “direct quotations” will not receive a grade higher than a D. (Read that sentence again, too, to be sure you understand it).

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