Appealing Admission Letter Structure

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Appealing Admission Letter Structure
Appealing Admission Letter Structure

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Appealing Admission Letter Structure Sample Answer

Appealing Admission Letter

Dear Sir/Madam

It is my pleasure to apply for major of Physical therapy for the second time at Loma Linda University. I believe that the institution has the resources and the capabilities to enable me to achieve my goals. The first time I applied, I was still studying at Acupuncture school and was about to graduate. At the time, I was also working full time in Physical therapy clinic. I have now graduated from school. The graduation was held in June this year.

The motivation to apply for Physical therapy is my desire to acquire advanced skills and knowledge to impact positively on society. I also noticed that the medical course I studied in Acupuncture school was not enough to enable me to render quality services to patients. The opportunity, therefore, will help me have confidence in myself as I provide care to different patients. Furthermore, my own experience at a health facility has motivated me to seek more skills and knowledge in this field. When I was admitted in a health care after experiencing shoulder and neck pain, the services I received satisfactory service. The care was awesome and I feel motivated and encouraged to pursue my studies and help many other people. These are some of the reasons and motivation for my quest to be part of Loma Linda University.

Currently, I am working under a physical therapist who graduated from Loma Linda. This working relationship has enabled me to learn many aspects concerning Loma Linda University. I am a believer, worshiping at an Adventist church and I take issues of faith seriously. The university as well is built on strong religious faith that matches well with my spiritual belief. Therefore, I am eager to pursue my studies in an institution that respects people religious beliefs  hence , will continue to strengthen my religion beliefs.

I am also taking 18 units in California State University, Domingoez Hill and 5 units in Los Angeles Community College which are one of the prerequisites for Loma Linda University.  I work 20 hours a week in Physical Therapy clinic. In addition, every Saturday, I attend worship in Olympic Seventh-day Adventist Church and do 2 hours volunteer work for serving a food and cleaning the church. I am doing my best to get good results that will get me an admission to Loma Linda University.

In this winter, I plan to participate in Glendale Memorial hospital as in-patient hospital for volunteering. Moreover, in spring semester in 2016, I would finish a course which is upper division of humanity class.

In the future, I would like to help and cure patients during my whole life. In addition, I am willing to help people who cannot get proper treatment in many countries. Now, I feel great about helping patients in the clinic and I would like to devote to helping patients throughout my life.

Getting an opportunity to pursue the major at the University will be received with joy and gratitude. I believe that I have an obligation to help the society to achieve quality health. The university has adequate resources and has conducive working environment that will shape me to the person I wish to be (Carr, Pastor & Levesque, 2015).

Appealing Admission Letter Structure Reference

Carr, M., Pastor, D., & Levesque, P. (2015). Learning to lead: Higher education faculty explore        self-mentoring.  International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching & Mentoring. 13(2):             1-13.

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