Applying Ethical Frameworks Assignment

Applying Ethical Frameworks
Applying Ethical Frameworks

Applying Ethical Frameworks

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Applying Ethical Frameworks
The 2011 National Business Ethics survey reported that 45% of respondents witnessed ethical misconduct at work, a record low for the survey; 63% of those respondents reported the misconduct, a record high. Of those whistleblowers, 22% reported retaliation (Ethics Resource Center, 2012).

These statistics seem to indicate increased attention to ethical business practice. However, they also point to an ongoing need to continue to strengthen commitment to ethical business practice. Business professionals and scholars need to know how to face ethical dilemmas and make sound ethical decisions. DBA students should have a basic understanding of various ethical frameworks and understand how these frameworks influence real-world business decisions. Northouse (2013) stated, “ethical theory provides a system of rules or principles that guide us in making decisions about what is right or wrong and good or bad in a particular situation. It provides a basis for understanding what it means to be a morally decent human being” (p. 424). Ethical values are used daily for decision making in business. Understanding and analyzing various ethical frameworks will enable you to better solve ethical dilemmas.

Use academic justification and two scholarly resources, in addition to those presented in the Learning Resources, to support your solution.
•By Day 7 of Week 6, read all of your colleagues’ posts and respond to three colleagues. Provide scholarly critiques of their analyses. For each response, be sure to include all of the following:
•Two strengths of your colleague’s analysis
•Two weaknesses of your colleague’s analysis and solution
•Suggestions of ways to improve upon the weaknesses
•An alternative solution
Be sure to include at least one new scholarly resource to support each response.


Applying Ethical Frameworks

Two strengths of my colleague’s analysis

Colleague #3’s analysis has two significant strengths, first of which is that he provides a framework of the virtues that guided him in arriving at his ethical decisions and the hierarchy of importance of the various values (Bagozzi, Sekerka & Hill, 2009). This framework is especially useful for anyone questioning the basis of his ethical decisions and it is a crucial strength in his solution, despite the final decisions being either ethical or unethical. The decision-making chart is a perfect example of a leader teaching his followers how to make ethical decisions even in scenarios that are ambiguous based on a set of values and their personal importance. The second strength is in the decision, which was totally appropriate as it incorporated all the virtues and attributes of leaders just as stipulated by Northouse (2013). There was no doubt about the leader’s decision.

Two weaknesses of my colleague’s analysis and solution

The first weakness identified is in colleague #1’s response. I find it too general, as it does not recommend any specific actions that the individual faced with the ethical dilemma can take to resolve the dilemma (Jackson, Wood, & Zboja, 2013). The virtue and deontological ethical theories might apply in this scenario, but the question remains, how do they apply? The second weakness identified lies in colleague #2’s response, which gives a lot of detail about what motivates individuals to choose the ethical response. He clearly states that most individuals are motivated by their inner need to do what is right or their fear of consequences. His teleological and deontological solutions are both his strengths and weakness because they advocate for the individual to act ethically for fear of the consequences of his actions. However, a question arises as to how the individual would act in a scenario where his actions would have no visible negative consequences for the accused employee.

Suggestions of ways to improve upon the weaknesses

My suggestion for the improvement of colleague #1’s response is that he should recommend a specific action that the leader should have taken so as to act ethically in accordance with the supporting theories he has given (Morales-Sánchez & Cabello-Medina, 2013). An example of such an action would be the leader saying no to his friend and reporting his actions based on his virtue of honesty and personal responsibility. My next suggestion is for the improvement of colleague #2’s response, which I find to be quite appropriate, but I do feel that it lacks the aspect of the inner personal desire to do what is right. According to Abrhiem (2012), people are motivated to act ethically based on their sense of duty for what is right or wrong and my colleague’s response does not take this fully into account. I believe that as a leader he should have allowed the officers a chance to rethink their actions by making them personally responsible through articulating the consequences of their actions.

An alternative solution

An alternative solution would be to combine both the strengths of colleague #3’s response and the weaknesses of the other two colleagues and to combine them with the suggested improvements. The alternative solution should have a decision-making chart that clearly explains the decision-making process and highlight the values used by the leader in making his decision just like #3’s solution suggests. Lastly the solution should incorporate an element of training where the leader gives the individuals an opportunity to show him that they have learned how not to make unethical decisions again, just as suggested in the improvements section (Thiel, Bagdasarov, Harkrider, Johnson & Mumford, 2012).


Abrhiem, T.H. (2012). Ethical leadership: Keeping values in business culture. Business & Management Review, 2(7), 11-19.

Bagozzi, R., Sekerka, L., & Hill, V. (2009). Hierarchical motive structures and their role in moral choices. Journal of Business Ethics, 90, 461-486.

Jackson, R., Wood, C., & Zboja, J. (2013). The Dissolution of Ethical Decision-Making in Organizations: A Comprehensive Review and Model. Journal of Business Ethics, 116(2), 233-250.

Morales-Sánchez, R., & Cabello-Medina, C. (2013). The Role of Four Universal Moral Competencies in Ethical Decision-Making. Journal Of Business Ethics, 116(4), 717-734.

Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Thiel, C., Bagdasarov, Z., Harkrider, L., Johnson, J., & Mumford, M. (2012). Leader Ethical Decision-Making in Organizations: Strategies for Sensemaking. Journal of Business Ethics, 107(1), 49-64.

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