Articulate Your Understanding of Scholarly Writing It is important to not only understand the terms used in scholarly writing but to apply the expectations of quality in academic writing.

For this assignment, write a paper that explains to your professor what quality, what quality in scholarly writing is, or is not, and why this is important. Start with an APA style cover page and a developed introduction; then address the following topics. Include citations referencing the two assigned scholarly articles.
What is Quality? How does One Recognize Quality?
What are the Qualities of Good Academic Writing?
Why is Quality Academic Writing Important?
Discuss Challenges Faced by Novice Scholarly Writers.
Finally, end with a developed conclusion and an APA formatted References section.
Be sure your paper follows the APA style, including the use of a reference section and in-text citations. Be sure to use examples and details to demonstrate your understanding…..Use these two scholarly references>>