Artificial Intelligence for Beginners

Artificial Intelligence for Beginners write a 100 – 300 pages book about AI.

Artificial Intelligence for Beginners
Image result for Artificial Intelligence

The audience as the book title specify, are for beginners, not developers, engineers or high level academic.
As a clear example, in the first chapters we want to explain AI as we were explaining to a 5 years old, basic concepts, next moving to a teen-eager, young-adult, adult no academic, and ending with academic and forecasting theoretical future of AI.

Artificial Intelligence for Beginners Applied for business and life

Do you think there’s something new to add into the Artificial Intelligence topic ?
Thanks for reading.
Project Type: One-time project
You will be asked to answer the following questions when submitting a proposal:
Have you ever read any book about AI ?. Which one? The AI applied for business and life.
Do you think there’s something new to add into the Artificial Intelligence topic ?
Thanks for reading.
Project Type: One-time project
You will be asked to answer the following questions when submitting a proposal:
Have you ever read any book about AI ?. Which one? The AI applied for business and life.
Do you think there’s something new to add into the Artificial Intelligence topic ?
Thanks for reading.
Project Type: One-time project

Artificial Intelligence for Beginners Questions

You will be asked to answer the following questions when submitting a proposal:
Have you ever read any book about AI ?. The audience as the book title specify, are for beginners, not developers, engineers or high level academic.
As a clear example, in the first chapters we want to explain AI as we were explaining to a 5 years old, basic concepts, next moving to a teen-eager, young-adult, adult no academic, and ending with academic and forecasting theoretical future of AI. Which one?The AI applied for business and life.
Do you think there’s something new to add into the Artificial Intelligence topic ?
Thanks for reading.
Project Type: One-time project
You will be asked to answer the following questions when submitting a proposal:
Have you ever read any book about AI ?. Which one?

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