Assessment Teaching Philosophy Assignment

Assessment Teaching Philosophy
Assessment Teaching Philosophy

Assessment Teaching Philosophy

Analyze the purpose, goals, and objectives of assessment in relation to the learning process.

Analyze teachers’ and learners’ goals in assessment. How can you as an ELL specialist help achieve goals of each?

Describe the various forms of assessment, including formative, summative, tests, and alternatives in assessment, and analyze them within the framework of their purpose, goals, and specific objectives (placement, language proficiency development, and content learning).

Provide your perspective for how a teacher should form final grades. Support your perspective with your professional experience, course readings, and resources, as well as your own research.

Provide your perspective for how teachers should communicate learning outcomes, including classroom performance, tests, and final grades to the students, students’ family (if appropriate), and school administration. Support your perspective with your professional experience, course readings, and resources, as well as your own research.

Describe your strategies for improving and mastering assessment approaches now and in the future. What is your plan for your professional development in regard to assessment approaches for ELLs?

Your paper should be about 3,000 words and include citations and references in APA format and examples to support your positions.

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